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The value of Youth Awards is Enormous

Connect says the value of youth awards is enormous and calls on Parents / Carers to encourage take-up of youth awards

Eileen Prior, Executive Director of Connect (formerly SPTC) says parents / carers should encourage young people to take up youth awards. “Youth awards provide a breadth and depth of learning that is generally not available in schools…They give young people the opportunity to develop a whole range of skills that employers are looking for.”

Whether young people are academically able or not Prior says “The value of youth awards is enormous”. In a message to schools she says “It is really important for schools to recognise the wider achievements of young people” and reminds them that this is an important part of Curriculum for Excellence.

This is one of a series of film clips produced by the Awards Network to increase awareness of the value of youth awards and to highlight their importance to different stakeholder groups.

Scottish Government
