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#SLF19 - Recognising Wider Learning and Achievement

The Awards Network delivered a seminar jointly with Education Scotland at the 2019 Scottish Learning Festival, outlining the Purpose and Vision of the Network and sharing the work of the National Group on Recognising Wider Learning and Achievement. The National Group brings together schools, youth work, SDS, SQA and other stakeholders to:

  1. Identify and share good practice around capturing and recognising wider learning and achievement
  2. Consider what national advice and support will help to realise Recommendation 1 in the Learner Journey Review. This states that:

We will ensure every learner in Scotland has an online learner account to link their skills and attributes to better course choices.

The approach is expected to ‘recognise wider achievements and informal learning, so that all young people have the opportunity to develop a personal statement and clearly articulate the skills gained and achievements made whilst in school.’

We are indebted to Ian Adamson, Head Teacher of Kingussie High School, for sharing the experience of the school in developing an approach to profiling that values and captures wider learning and achievement from within the school and from wider community settings. Ian described such recognition as being “a real motivating factor for pupils.”  The value and impact was clearly evident in personal experience confidently and eloquently shared by pupils Hannah and Hamish.

The seminar handout, with links to resources and practice exemplars can be found HERE.

The seminar slide presentation can be found HERE

Scottish Government
